

摘要: 康健治理是体检信息化、自动化、标准化、无纸化的治理系统,资助医院体检中心实现体检营业开拓、预约挂号、收费、临床检查、总检等各事情的
康健治理是体检信息化、自动化、标准化、无纸化的治理系统,资助医院体检中心实现体检营业开拓、预约挂号、收费、临床检查、总检等各事情的数字化软件系统,可显著提升体检事情效率,增进医院体检中心折务的高质量生长 。
Health management is an information-based, automated, standardized, and paperless management system for medical examinations. It helps hospital medical examination centers to develop their medical examination business, register appointments, charge fees, conduct clinical examinations, and perform overall examinations through a digital software system. It can significantly improve the efficiency of medical examination work and promote the high-quality development of medical examination center services.
体检软件可以举行体检数据的搜集、整理、汇总、剖析、检索以及制表等,实现体检中心的数字化,显著提升体检中心的事情效率及客户知足度 。
Medical examination software can collect, organize, summarize, analyze, retrieve, and tabulate medical examination data, achieving digitalization of the medical examination center, significantly improving the work efficiency and customer satisfaction of the medical examination center.
Advantages of medical examination software:
主界面简朴明晰,便于医生操作 。
The main interface is simple and clear, making it easy for doctors to operate.
整体体检数据导出中增添名堂文件的导出 。
Add the export of format files in the group physical examination data export.
具有强盛的模板功效,通过平台就可轻松录入检查效果,战胜了医生录入速率慢的障碍 。
With powerful template functions, it is easy to input examination results through the platform, overcoming the obstacle of slow input speed for doctors.
自动对效果举行判断,小结、综述、建议自动天生 。
Automatically judge the results, generate summaries, reviews, and suggestions.
Capable of printing beautiful, neat, and diverse formats of medical examination reports
具有强盛的统计剖析功效,可以爆发疾病统计 。
It has powerful statistical analysis functions and can generate disease statistics.
可以导出电子文档,实现(软盘、U盘、暂存硬盘)拷贝单位或小我私家体检报告,利便无邪 。
It is possible to export electronic documents and achieve (floppy disk, USB flash drive, temporary hard drive) copying of unit or individual medical examination reports, making it convenient and flexible.
支持对多级单位的维护,一个单位支持子单位 。
Support maintenance of multi-level units, with each unit supporting sub units.
具有数据导入功效,即可以从EXCEL文档中导入名单,也可以从历史体检纪录中调着名单 。
It has the data import function, that is, it can import the list from the Excel document, or call out the list from the historical medical records.
历年体检数据比照”功效,以表格形式体现各项检查指标各年的效果比照 。
The function of "comparing medical examination data over the years" displays the comparison of results of various examination indicators in a table format.
批量自动总检”功效,可批量自动天生总检的综述和建议内容 。
The "Batch Automatic General Inspection" function can automatically generate a summary and recommended content of the general inspection in batches.
With the summary on the hospital physical examination management system, we hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you