

摘要: 两癌筛核关于包管妇女康健有主要意义,天下各地两癌筛查事情均逐步纳入政府惠民工程,相关用度由财务肩负 。可是在现实筛查治理中,保存如下
两癌筛核关于包管妇女康健有主要意义,天下各地两癌筛查事情均逐步纳入政府惠民工程,相关用度由财务肩负 。可是在现实筛查治理中,保存如下问题:
"Two cancer screening is of great significance for ensuring women's health. Both cancer screening efforts across the country have gradually been incorporated into government programs to benefit the people, and the relevant costs are borne by the government.". However, in actual screening management, there are the following problems:
Duplicate screening
适龄妇女一年中在多地加入两癌筛查或者在划定的年度内重复筛查,造成资源的铺张 。
Women of appropriate age participate in multiple cancer screening sessions or repeat screening sessions within a prescribed year, resulting in a waste of resources.
Manual filling is time-consuming and laborious
医生下下层举行筛查先打印好筛查报表,现场举行手工填写,关于检查磨练项目需要拿到磨练报告后再誊写,所有填写完成后举行数据的汇总统计,举行上报 。
Doctors go to the grassroots level to conduct screening. First, they print the screening report and manually fill it in on site. For inspection and test items, they need to obtain the test report before transcribing it. After completing all the filling, they will summarize and count the data, and then submit it.
The workload cannot be accurately counted
两癌筛查是接纳是政府购置效劳的方法支付给各相关单位用度,以是条件是准确各个单位在筛查历程中每项事情的开展情形,古板手工方法,只能依据下层单位上报的报表数据,而无法建设基于个案的准确统计 。
"Two cancer screening uses the method of government purchasing services to pay fees to relevant units, so the premise is to accurately assess the progress of each work carried out by each unit during the screening process. Traditional manual methods can only rely on the report data submitted by grassroots units, and cannot establish accurate statistics based on individual cases.".
No continuous screening data
基于手工或单机版本的筛查系统,无法将相宜妇女多次的两癌筛查数据集中治理,在诊断时无法查阅既往病史信息,并且影响相关科研项目的开展 。
"Based on manual or stand-alone versions of screening systems, it is not possible to centrally manage multiple cancer screening data suitable for women, and it is not possible to consult past medical history information during diagnosis, which affects the development of relevant scientific research projects.".
针对以上筛查事情中现状及遇到的问题,特提出运用互联网、大数据剖析手艺对两癌筛查事情举行信息化治理 。
In response to the current situation and problems encountered in the above screening work, it is proposed to use the Internet and big data analysis technology to carry out information management for the two cancer screening work.
Construction objectives
建设两癌筛查信息治理系统:建设辖区内妇女完整、连贯的两癌筛查档案,能够一连跟踪效劳,树立两癌筛查事情优异形象,为医院开展拓展延伸效劳提供便当 ;
Establish a two-cancer screening information management system: establish a complete and consistent two-cancer screening file for women within the jurisdiction, which can continuously track services, establish a good image of two-cancer screening work, and provide convenience for hospitals to expand and extend services;
杜绝重复检查:基于身份证的识别,杜绝了在一个周期年重复检查的征象,镌汰了资源的铺张 ;
Eliminating duplicate inspections: Unique identification based on ID cards eliminates the phenomenon of duplicate inspections in a cycle year, reducing the waste of national resources;
建设富厚盘问和统计功效,自动天生种种统计剖析报表,完善随访信息,有助于建设区域妇女两癌研究基地 ;
Establish rich query and statistical functions, automatically generate various statistical analysis reports, and improve follow-up information, which is conducive to establishing a regional research base for women's two cancers;
筛查竣事后,系统自动天生的台账、报表和绩效报告,实现了医院基于事情量绩效的两癌筛查审核机制,能够提供筛查单位的事情起劲性 。
After the screening is completed, the system automatically generates ledgers, reports, and performance reports, realizing a hospital's two cancer screening assessment mechanism based on workload performance, which can provide the work enthusiasm of the screening unit.
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