

摘要: 随着移动医疗、物联网、云盘算、大数据等手艺的在医疗保健领域的应用 ,使得建设区域性的康健信息治理平台 ,网络各社区康健小屋中的体检数据 ,举行统一存储治理和数据挖掘和剖析 ,建设动态和实时更新的康健档案和慢性

随着移动医疗、物联网、云盘算、大数据等手艺的在医疗保健领域的应用 ,使得建设区域性的康健信息治理平台 ,网络各社区康健小屋中的体检数据 ,举行统一存储治理和数据挖掘和剖析 ,建设动态和实时更新的康健档案和慢性病治理系统 ,更好地为社区住民康健效劳成为可能  。在康健小屋中对社区住民举行体检 ,开展身体体征参数的收罗和监控 ,统一上传到区域康健信息数据中心 ,配合科学准确的康健评估与指导 ,调解小我私家生涯方法和作息习惯 ,能够有用降低疾病发病的可能和控制疾病生长  。使用康健小屋中和区域康健信息治理平台 ,为康健档案的治理、盘问、统计、康健指导、盛行病的视察研究等提供更准确、、系统完整的数据 ,实现多部分间相助和资源共享 ,把“死档”酿成“活档”  。在这样的配景下 ,研究基于康健小屋的区域康健信息治理平台具有主要意义  。

With the application of mobile healthcare, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and other technologies in the field of healthcare, it is possible to establish a regional health information management platform, collect physical examination data from various community health cabins, conduct unified storage management and data mining and analysis, establish dynamic and real-time updated health records and chronic disease management systems, and better serve the health of community residents. Conducting physical examinations for community residents in a healthy cabin, collecting and monitoring physical signs, and uploading them to the regional health information data center. With scientific and accurate health assessments and expert guidance, adjusting personal lifestyle and lifestyle habits can effectively reduce the likelihood of disease onset and control disease development. By utilizing the Health Cabin and Regional Health Information Management Platform, more accurate, comprehensive, and systematic data can be provided for the management, querying, statistics, health guidance, and epidemic investigation and research of health records. This enables collaboration and resource sharing among multiple departments, transforming "dead files" into "live files". In this context, studying a regional health information management platform based on a healthy cabin is of great significance.

目今的康健档案与慢性病治理部分保存脱节的征象 ,通过此系统 ,以使社区医生使用这套系统对住民举行康健档案的治理以及高血压、糖病等慢性疾病举行筛查、建档并实现动态分级治理  。


There is a disconnect between the current health records and chronic disease management. Through this system, community doctors can use this system to manage residents' health records, screen and file chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and achieve dynamic grading management.

社区住民可以通过康健小屋的区域康健信息治理平台随时登录网站审查自己的各项新体检数据和历史体检数据 ,提高社区住民对自身康健指标的知晓率 ,并可审查医生给出的康健指导建议 ,可以在网上和社区医生举行互动 ,提高相关疾病的早期干预能力 ,增强防病意识 ,形成优异的康健生涯方法  。

Community residents can log in to the regional health information management platform of the health cabin at any time to view their new and historical health examination data, improve their awareness of their own health indicators, and view the health guidance and suggestions provided by doctors. They can interact with community doctors online to improve their early intervention ability for related diseases, enhance disease prevention awareness, and form a good healthy lifestyle.

卫生主管部分可以通过本系统 ,网络区域规模内康健小屋以及在家庭体检的体检数据 ,深入挖掘剖析 ,审查统计报表 ,为决议提供支持  。

The health regulatory department can use this system to collect physical examination data from healthy cabins within the region and at home, conduct in-depth analysis, view statistical reports, and provide support for decision-making.

康健小屋的区域康健信息治理平台数据泉源是各个社区卫生效劳中心的数字化康健小屋  。社区住民在社区卫生效劳中心数字化康健小屋体检的数据通过卫生专网上传到区域康健数据治理中心数据库 ,小我私家、社区医生和治理者可以登录区域康健信息治理平台使用  。

The data source of the regional health information management platform for the health cabin is the digital health cabin of various community health service centers. The data of community residents undergoing physical examinations in digital health cabins at the community health service center is transmitted to the regional health data management center database through the health dedicated network. Individuals, community doctors, and managers can log in to the regional health information management platform for use.

康健小屋的区域康健信息治理平台使用Asp.Net平台开发 ,B/S三层网络架构 ,接纳微软Sqlserver2005数据库 ,详细系统架构安排图如图1所示  。康健小屋事情治理系统认真网络各个社区卫生中心体检的数据 ,如康健小屋中的身高体重仪、血压仪、血糖仪、人体因素剖析仪等的体检数据 ,然后通过卫生专网实时上传到区域康健数据治理中心数据库 ,实现数据实时更新  。

The regional health information management platform for the health cabin uses Asp Developed on the Net platform, with a B/S three-layer network architecture, using the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database. The specific system architecture deployment diagram is shown in Figure 1. The Health Cabin Work Management System is responsible for collecting physical examination data from various community health centers, such as height and weight meters, blood pressure meters, blood glucose meters, and body composition analyzers in the Health Cabin. The data is then uploaded in real time to the regional health data management center database through the health dedicated network, achieving real-time updates of the data.

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