

摘要: 慢病随访系统通过医疗检测装备检测的人体生命体征数据,通过无线手艺,自动传输到智慧随访Pad中,形成随访信息,并上传上级住民康健档案
慢病随访系统通过医疗检测装备检测的人体生命体征数据,通过无线手艺,自动传输到智慧随访Pad中,形成随访信息,并上传上级住民康健档案治理系统和数据库中心,实现人群的随访和治理功效 。也可以跟多种装备相团结,实现的智慧康健治理 。
The chronic disease follow-up system uses medical testing equipment to detect human vital sign data, which is automatically transmitted to the smart follow-up pad through wireless technology to form follow-up information and upload it to the higher-level resident health record management system and database center, achieving crowd follow-up and management functions. It can also be combined with various devices to achieve comprehensive intelligent health management.
The products are divided into three major series:
一、基本公共卫生智慧建档、查体及慢病随访、家医签约装备及系统 。
1、 National basic public health smart filing, physical examination and chronic disease follow-up, and home medical contract signing equipment and systems.
二、针关于诊所、药店、康健治理机构等的智慧康健治理装备及小我私家家庭康健治理装备及系统 。
2、 Smart health management equipment and systems for clinics, pharmacies, health management institutions, and personal home health management equipment and systems.
三、儿童康健治理、远程医疗等智慧医疗行业软件系统等 。
3、 Software systems for smart healthcare industries such as child health management and remote healthcare.
三大系列产品,均应用信息化、物联网和无线通讯等手艺,通过种种医疗器械、电脑、PAD、手机等装备,将所收罗的生命体征数据传输公共卫生平台或数据处置惩罚中心,为使用者提供的康健效劳,并制订个性化的饮食、运动、养生等康健计划,以及提供的诊断、监测、评估、反响、提醒和预警等综合康健治理的效劳系统 。
The three major series of products all apply technologies such as information technology, Internet of Things, and wireless communication to transmit collected vital sign data to public health platforms or data processing centers through various medical devices, computers, PADs, mobile phones, etc., providing users with comprehensive health services, and developing personalized health plans such as diet, exercise, and wellness, as well as providing comprehensive diagnosis, monitoring, evaluation, feedback A comprehensive health management service system for reminders and warnings.
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