

摘要: 体检职员不需要拿着空的体检表、平台的体检数据对接功效体检信息对接导入是获取用户身体指标的一个主要因素 ,康健危害评估中举行信息收罗分
体检职员不需要拿着空的体检表、平台的体检数据对接功效体检信息对接导入是获取用户身体指标的一个主要因素 ,康健危害评估中举行信息收罗分两个部分 ,一个是康健危害评估问卷的收罗 ,另外一个就是体检信息数据的收罗 ,体检信息数据一样平常就需要从体检系统把用户的信息以及体检数据对接到公共卫生体检信息对接导入系统中 ,为后期康健治理流程提供数据基础。
Physical examination personnel do not need to hold empty physical examination forms. The platform's physical examination data docking function is an important factor in obtaining user physical indicators. Information collection in health risk assessment is divided into two parts: one is the collection of health risk assessment questionnaires, and the other is the collection of physical examination information data, Medical examination information data generally needs to be imported from the medical examination system by connecting user information and medical examination data to public health medical examination information, providing a data foundation for the later health management process.
各个科室的体检职员不必手写各个科室的体检效果。好比500名体检者中有86人患有糖尿病 ,体检医院要手写86条关于糖尿病的建议。使用海豚康健云体检治理软件后 ,体检只需输入一项血糖检查 ,系统会自动天生糖尿病、高血糖等效果。
Medical examination personnel from various departments do not need to handwrite the examination results of each department. For example, 86 out of 500 physical examinees have diabetes, and the medical examination hospital needs to write 86 suggestions on diabetes. After using the Dolphin Health Cloud physical examination management software, the physical examination center only needs to enter a blood glucose check, and the system will automatically generate diabetes, hyperglycemia and other results.
普检医生再也不必手动写每份报告了 ,体检治理软件会自动天生普检报告。一样平常检查医生只需要复查检查即可;
General examination doctors no longer need to manually write each report, and the physical examination management software will automatically generate general examination reports. Generally, doctors only need to undergo a re examination;
体检报告是手写的形式 ,不但字迹禁止易识别 ,并且统一个疾病的形貌息争释也不尽相同 ,有时可能会泛起建议。在这样的情形下 ,体检职员拿到报告后看不清晰 ,也看不明确 ,需要再次咨询医生。平台体检康健治理软件打印的体检报告不但内容规范、字体工致 ,并且名堂雅观多样;
The medical examination report is in handwritten form, not only is the handwriting difficult to recognize, but the description and explanation of the same disease are also different, and sometimes suggestions may appear. In such a situation, the medical personnel cannot see clearly or understand the report after receiving it, and they need to consult a doctor again. The physical examination report printed by the platform's physical examination health management software not only has standardized content, neat fonts, but also has beautiful and diverse formats;
好比 ,关于高血压患者 ,体检治理软件会自动天生膳食保健处方和运动保健处方 ,还可以凭证患者的事情情形和事情时间剖析病情与事情的关系 ,或者判断是否不宜从事该职业;
For example, for patients with hypertension, the physical examination management software will automatically generate dietary and exercise health prescriptions. It can also analyze the relationship between the patient's condition and work based on their work environment and working hours, or determine whether they are not suitable for the profession;
整体体检竣事后 ,医院应向单位提供相关统计报表。在没有软件治理的情形下 ,通常需要逐一审查体检报告;软件使用后 ,种种统计报表会自动统计 ,并以图表的形式显示出来。好比有几多人患有高血压 ,20-30岁的男性有几多 ,百分比是几多;
After the group physical examination, the hospital should provide relevant statistical reports to the unit. In the absence of software management, it is usually necessary to review the physical examination reports one by one; After using the software, various statistical reports will be automatically compiled and displayed in the form of charts. For example, how many people suffer from high blood pressure, how many men aged 20 to 30, and what is the percentage;
2、 The characteristics of the health examination management system:
提高事情效率 ,降低劳动强度 ,手工录入信息 ,定制体检表 ,很是繁琐重复 ,现在这个康健体检治理系统把所有的准备事情都电脑化了 ,无论团队有几多人 ,通过设置整体名单名堂 ,都可以轻松完成体检 ,通过数据接口可以获得相关的效果 ,可以镌汰各随访站点的数据录入事情量 ,大大缩短报表天生周期 ,事情效率翻倍。
Improving work efficiency, reducing labor intensity, manually entering information, customizing physical examination forms, which is very cumbersome and repetitive. Now, this health examination management system has computerized all the preparation work. No matter how many people there are in the team, by setting the group list format, the physical examination can be easily completed. Relevant results can be obtained through the data interface, which can reduce the workload of data entry at various follow-up sites, Significantly shorten the report generation cycle and double work efficiency.
提高效劳质量 ,增添体检客户的知足度 ,信息系统的准确性为医务职员节约了大宗时间 ,可以更好地专注于客户效劳 ,富厚的盘问功效 ,可以实时发明漏查和纪录的征象 ,清晰整齐的体检资料、细腻的体检报告、详细科学的体检建议、完整生涯的体检资料等效劳 ,大大提高了体检客户的知足度。
Improving service quality, increasing customer satisfaction with physical examinations, and the accuracy of the information system have saved medical staff a lot of time. They can better focus on customer service, have rich query functions, and timely detect omissions and records. Clear and tidy physical examination materials, exquisite physical examination reports, detailed and scientific medical advice, and fully saved physical examination materials have greatly improved customer satisfaction with physical examinations.
提高治理水平 ,提高信息使用率 ,通过信息系统 ,医院向导和科室认真人可以盘问体检的所有信息 ,并举行实时监控 ,资助决议者改善效劳 ,举行量化绩效治理和决议剖析 ,医务职员通过盘问 ,可以获得需要体检的客户的信息 ,从而提高自己的水平 ,体检单位可以复制本单位的体检效果并举行整理汇总 ,让各单位对本单位员工的康健状态有一个整体的相识 ,有利于跟踪复查 ,真正做到有用的康健治理。
Improve management level and information utilization rate. Through the information system, hospital leaders and department heads can query all information of the medical examination center and conduct real-time monitoring to help decision-makers improve services, conduct quantitative performance management and decision analysis. Through inquiry, medical personnel can obtain information about customers who need medical examinations, thereby improving their professional level, The medical examination unit can copy the medical examination results of its own unit for free and organize and summarize them, allowing each unit to have an overall understanding of the health status of its employees, which is conducive to tracking and rechecking, and truly achieving effective health management.
体检治理系统的使用可以实现体检的无纸化办公 ,也使体检治理越发系统化、规范化 ,大大提高了医务职员的整体素质 ,增添了体检客户的知足度。
The use of the medical examination management system can achieve paperless office work in the medical examination center, and also make the medical examination management more systematic and standardized, greatly improving the overall quality of medical personnel and increasing the satisfaction of medical examination customers.
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