

摘要: 康健小屋建设康健指导团队,康健小屋基于我市智慧社区康健小屋,团结我院大学生立异创业基地,建设专门的康健指导团队。统一培训跨理论模子
A health guidance team will be established in the health house. Based on the "health house" of the smart community in our city, the health house will establish a special health guidance team in conjunction with the college students' innovation and entrepreneurship base of our college. Unify the training of cross theoretical model health education methods to ensure the smooth progress of community health guidance.
Healthy house smart community intervention method
康健小屋比照组干预要领 社区住民接纳古板康健教育要领,由康健指导团队的学生对社区住民举行康健体检知识的宣传,宣传内容包括康健体检的利益和基本知识、康健体检的距离时间、现在病谱的转变、常见慢性病的基本知识、康健生涯方法等,共干预 2 次。
Intervention methods community residents in the control group of health hut adopted traditional health education methods, and the students of the health guidance team publicized the health examination knowledge of community residents. The publicity contents included the benefits and basic knowledge of health examination, the interval of health examination, the changes of current disease spectrum, the basic knowledge of common chronic diseases, healthy lifestyle, etc. for a total of 2 interventions.
康健小屋视察组干预要领 社区住民接纳跨理论模子康健小屋康健教育内容同比照组,要领如下。
The intervention method of health hut observation group community residents adopted a cross theoretical model. The content of health education in health hut was the same as that in the control group. The methods were as follows.
Evaluation: before the intervention of health hut, the researchers evaluated the behavior change stage of the subjects according to the self-designed questionnaire of health examination behavior of community residents, and found the reasons why they were unwilling to take a physical examination.
社区住民康健体检行为视察表评估内容包括:你以为体检对康健有益,你掌握康健体检的知识吗 ?您在“康健小屋”体检过吗 ?您按期在“康健小屋”体检吗 ?
The evaluation contents of the questionnaire on health examination behavior of community residents include: do you think physical examination is beneficial to health? Do you master the knowledge of health examination? Have you had a physical examination in the "health cabin"? Do you have a regular physical examination in the "health cabin"?
接纳 5 级评分法,0 分为没有,且现在不想体检 ;1 分为没有,未来妄想去做 ;2 分为有,并准备去做 ;3 分为一经体检过,但没有按期去 ;
Adopt the 5-level scoring method, 0 points means no, and do not want to have a physical examination at present; 1: No, I plan to do it in the future; 2 points: Yes, and ready to do it; 3 points: once had a physical examination, but did not go regularly;
4 分为已经按期去体检。得分≤3 分为前意向阶段,4~7 分为意向阶段,8~11 分为准备阶段,12~15 分为行动阶段,≥分为维持阶段。量表经重复预实验,并举行咨询,效度为 0.80,信度为 0.86。
4 points: regular physical examination has been carried out. Score ≤ 3 is the pre intention stage, 4 ~ 7 is the intention stage, 8 ~ 11 is the preparation stage, 12 ~ 15 is the action stage, and ≥ 3 is the maintenance stage. After repeated pre experiments and expert consultation, the validity of the scale is 0.80 and the reliability is 0.86.
Intervention: give the intervention measures corresponding to the stage of the study according to the evaluation results.
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